Sunday, September 12, 2010

The last days of Krishna

Following the Mahabharata War when the Pandavas were safely settled in Kuru land, Krishna returned to Dwarka where he ruled the Yadavas for 36 years. There was a constant bickering among the Yadava chiefs who were hell bent to exterminate each other. This led Krishna to ban strong drink in the kingdom. However during a festival when the ban was relaxed, fight broke out between the Yadavas and engulfed the whole city. Despite all his divinity Krishna was not able to bring order to the kingdom. The whole Yadava clan was mostly destroyed. His son Pradyumma was killed before his eyes and his elder brother also died.

Then at a festival, fight broke out between the Yadavas who exterminated each other. The clan was mostly destroyed. Krishna dejectedly retired into the forest. Once he was sitting under a tree musing the loss of his family and friends, a hunter mistook his partly visible foot for a deer and shot an arrow piercing his heel which was his vulnerable spot. The city of Dwarka was swallowed by the sea.

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