Ashvamedha: Royal Horse Sacrifice

Efficient Drainage System Of Indus Valley Civilization

The Later Mauryas

Chandragupta-II (Chandragupta Vikramaditya) (c 376-415)

Ashoka, the third Mauryan Emperor

Brahmagupta, 7th century Indian astronomer and mathematician

What Were the Most Important Battles in Ancient Indian History?

Jain Councils

Sarnath: Where the Buddha delivered his first sermon

Ashtadhyayi of Panini

Hala – The Satavahana king who wrote Saptasataka

Jandial Temple Taxila

Kapilavastu: Ancient City where the Buddha spent the first 29 years of his life

Classical Language Status For Prakrit And Pali

Bagh Paintings

The Miracles of Buddha in Shravasti

Great Stupa of Amaravati

Buddhist Councils

Chalukyas of Kalyani

Chandragupta Maurya, Founder of Mauryan Empire

Desalpur: A Harappan Site in Gujarat

Dholavira: Fifth largest Harappan site

Ghositarama Monastery of Kaushambi

Hair Styles in Harappan Civilization

History of Buddhism in Sri Lanka

Indra: The Most Powerful Vedic God

Kalidasa: India’s Foremost Classical Dramatist and Poet

Kanva Dynasty

Life of Vardhamana Mahavira

Kot Diji: An Important Harappan Site

Kanva Dynasty

Mudrarakshasa of Vishakhadatta

Mattavilas-prahasana: Masterpiece of Sanskrit Literature

Most Important Battles in Ancient India

Polygamy in Ancient India

The Religion of Harappa

Rashtrakuta Dynasty

Sanskrit Books and Authors in Ancient India

Sunga Dynasty

Vijayalaya Choleeshwaram: Exquisite Specimen of Early Chola Architecture

Yashovarman of Kannauj


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