Showing posts with label Prarthana Samaj. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prarthana Samaj. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Prarthana Samaj (Prayer Society): An Indian Response to Western Rationalism

Founded in 1867 by Atmaram Pandurang, a physician and social reformer, Prarthana Samaj (Prayer Society) is a socio religious reform movement that took inspiration from the Brahmo Samaj movement spearheaded by Keshab Chandra Sen in West Bengal. Other important leaders of Prarthana Samaj were famous Indologist and Sanskritist R G Bhandarkar and Mahadev Govind Ranade (1842-1901) who also comes lauded as the prophet of cultural renaissance in western India. N. G. Chandavarkar was another leader of Prarthana Samaj.

Theistic worship and social reform were the two main planks on which the Prarthana Samaj movement was built. The movement fostered a firm belief in the existence of one god. The society opposed the prevailing caste system, untouchability, dowry system, polygamy and advocated widow remarriage, female education, intermarriage among different castes, and abolition of child marriage.

Prarthana Samaj used to publish a magazine called Subodh Patrika. 

Today In Indian History (25rd March)

1931 - Death of Indian journalist and politician Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi on 25 March in 1931 .  Founder-editor of the Hindi language news...