Showing posts with label Historical Sources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historical Sources. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Futuh-us-Salatin of Isami

Born in 1311 AD, Abdul Malik Isami had written a political history called Futuh–us-Salatin which he dedicated to the founder of the Bahmani kingdom, Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah (reigned 1347 – 1358). He had accompanied his grandfather to Devagiri when the populace of Delhi was ordered by Muhammad Bin Tugglaq to leave for Deogiri or Devagiri which the Tughlaq Sultan named Daulatabad. However, his old grandfather died on the way before reaching the destination. 

Composed in Persian in the form of an epic, Futuh –us-Sulatin ("Gifts of the Sultans") begins with the rise of the Ghaznavi dynasty and concludes with the reign of Sultan Muhamamd bin Tughlaq. Futuh-us-Salatin was completed in 1350 AD. 

According to Isami, Balban became the ruler of the Slave dynasty by murdering his predecessor and son-in-law Nasir-ud-din Mahmud. Regarding the rationale of shifting his capital from Delhi to Deogir (Daultabad) in the Deccan by Muhamamd bin Tughlaq,  this fourteen century historian says that the decision was taken as Daultabad was centrally located and consequently safe from the Mongol invasion, a recurrent feature during the period.

Today In Indian History (25rd March)

1931 - Death of Indian journalist and politician Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi on 25 March in 1931 .  Founder-editor of the Hindi language news...