1285 - Death of Muhammad Khan, eldest son of Slave Sultan Balban, on 9th March in 1285. Balban did not lose sight of the Mongol danger that was lurking in the north-west frontier of the Mamluk kingdom during his rule .
Balban’s cousin Sher Khan Sunqar was ably defending the frontier. However, Balban grew suspicious of him and got him murdered. His death left the field open for the Mongols to indulge in their incursions of the frontier tracts. After Sher Khan Sunqar prince Muhammad was made governor of Multan to check the Mongol menace.
Bughra Khan, Balban's second son, was placed in charge of the territories of Samana and Sunam. In 1279 they, together with Malik Mubarak Bektars from Delhi, successfully repulsed the Mongol invasion.
However, in A.D. 1285 Mongols under their leader Tamar invaded Punjab. Muhammad proceeded towards Lahore and Dipalpur and was killed during his fight against the Mongols. He was given the title of Shahid, "the Martyr" and came to be known as Khan-i-Shahid, (the Martyr Prince).