Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Tarikh-i-Firishtah is a general history of India with special emphasis on the Deccan from the beginning of the Muslim rule in India to 1607. It was written by Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah Astrabadi, popularly known as Firishtah or Firishta who was in the army of Sultan Murtaza Nizam Shah (1565-88) of Nizam Shahi kingdom of Ahmadnagar (1565-88). After Murtaza Nizam Shah was murdered by his son Miran in 1588, Firishtah left the services of Nizam Shahi dynasty and went in 1589 to Bijapur which was ruled at that time by Ibrahim Adil Shah II.

Completed in 1610, Tarikh-i-Firishtah is also called Gulshan-i-Ibrahimi on account of its being dedicated to Ibrahim Adil Shah. Another name of Tarikh-i-Firishtah is Tarikh-i-Naurasanama.

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Today In Indian History (28th March)

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