Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chattrapati Shahu Maharaj: Champion of the Backward Classes

It is interesting to know that one of the most revolutionary reforms for the uplift of the backward classes was initiated by a ruler of a princely state in the British India. Chattrapati Shahu Maharaj, the ruler of Kolhapur, was the earliest Indian ruling prince to have launched the social and religious reforms for the lower classes. He championed the cause of the non-Brahmins.

Also known as Rajarshi Shahu, Chattrapati Shahu was born in 1874. A follower of Arya Samaj, he tried his honest best to free the society from the shackles of the caste system and had the courage to ban untouchability in his state. He opened the gates of education and public offices to all irrespective of caste discriminations. He advocated widow remarriage and discouraged child marriage.  

A follower of Arya Samaj, Chattrapati Shahu is mainly remembered for his work in the field of education. He voiced his support for western liberal education. With a view to providing free education and residence to the children of the poor he started a number of hostels.  

Chattrapati Shahu died in 1922.

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