Monday, August 23, 2021

History MCQs – Set 6 - Modern India

Q. 1. Who planted the 'Tree of Liberty' at Srirangapatnam?

(a) Tipu Sultan

(b) Hyder Ali

(c) Chikka Krishnaraja

(d) Devraj

Q. 2. Which battle put an end to the French challenge to British supremacy in India? 

(a) The Battle of Plassey

(b) The Battle of Buxar

(c) The Battle of Wandiwash

(d) The Battle of Seringapatam

Q. 3. Who among the following had introduced the revenue collection method Ryotwari System in India? 

(a) Thomas Munro 

(b) Lord Cornwallis

(c) Holt Mackenzie

(d) None of these

Q. 4. Where did Moplah Uprising break out in 1921?  

(a) Andhra Pradesh

(b) Kerala

(c) Karnataka

(d) Tamil Nadu

Q. 5. Who among the following was/were associated with the organization “Servants of India Society”?

(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhle

(b) Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar

(c) Both a and b 

(d) None of these

Q. 6. Who has authored the book 'The Light of Asia' ?

(a) Charles Wilkins

(b) Sir Edwin Arnold 

(c) Edwin Lester Arnold

(d) None of these


Q. 7. Who among the following leaders attended the inaugural meeting of Indian National Congress?

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji

(b) Kashinath Trimbak Telang

(c) Pherozeshah Mehta

(d) All of the above

Q. 8. Who had taken potshots at Indian National Congress as representing only microscopic minority of the people?

(a) Lord Dufferin

(b) Lord Elgin

(c) Lord Curzon

(d) Lord Hardinge

Q. 9. “(The Indian National) Congress is tottering to its fall, and one of my greatest ambitions while in India is to assist it to a peaceful demise.” To whom is this statement attributed?

(a) Lord Dufferin

(b) Lord Elgin

(c) Lord Curzon

(d) Lord Hardinge

Q. 10. Who had called Indian National Congress a 'begging institute'?

(a) Aurobindo Ghosh

(b) Bipin Chandra Pal

(c) Chittaranjan Das

(d) Madan Mohan Malviya 


Q. 1 – (a) 

Tipu Sultan had planted the 'Tree of Liberty' at Srirangapatnam. 

Q. 2 – (c)

The Battle of Wandiwash was a battle in India between the French and the British in 1760. 

Q. 3 – (a) 

The Ryotwari system was introduced in 1820 by Thomas Munro when he was governor of Madras. It was introduced in Madras (Chennai), Bombay, parts of Assam and Coorg provinces of British India.

Q. 4 – (b) 

Mappila or Moplah Rebellion took place in the southern taluks of Malabar in Kerala in 1921. It as an armed uprising against British authority and Hindu landlords, called  janmis , in Malabar, Kerala in 1921. The leader of the Moplah Rebellion was Variamkunnath Ahmad Haji. Moplah rioters were severely dealt with by the British authorities. 

Variamkunnath Ahmad Haji was shot dead on January 20, 1922. 

Q. 5- (a) 

Gopal Krishna Gokhle had founded Servants of India Society in 1905. Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar

was a devout member of the Servants of India Society 

Q. 6- (b) 

Sir Edwin Arnold is the author of the book 'The Light of Asia' . 

Q. 7- (d) 

During the viceroyalty of Lord Dufferin the Indian National Congress (INC) was founded by A. O. Hume and S. N. Banerjee  in 1885.

Q. 8- (a)

Lord Dufferin was the Viceroy and Governor-General of India from 1884 to 1888. 

Q. 9- (c)

In 1900 in a letter to the British Secretary of State, Lord Curzon wrote, “(The Indian National) Congress is tottering to its fall, and one of my greatest ambitions while in India is to assist it to a peaceful demise.” Curzon was the youngest Viceroy of India from 1899 to 1905. 

Q. 10- (a)

Aurobindo Ghosh was defended in the Alipur Bomb Conspiracy case by Cittaranjan Das who had founded the Swaraj Party. 

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