Tuesday, August 31, 2021

History Medieval India - MCQs – Set 3

Q.1. Malik Kafur was the lieutenant of which Delhi Sultanate ruler?

(a) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq 

(b) Alauddin Khilji 

(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq 

(d) Jalaluddin Khilji

Q.2. Which of the following Mughal emperors was a proficient Veena player?

(a) Akbar

(b) Jahangir

(c) Shahjahan

(d) Aurangzeb

Q.3. Thomas Roe was sent to the court of Mughal emperor Jahangir as an official ambassador of which British monarch?

(a) James I

(b) King George V

(c) Queen Mary

(d) Queen Elizabeth 

Q.4. Who of the following reigned the longest?

(a) Akbar

(b) Babur

(c) Shah Jahan

(d) Jehangir

Q.5. The Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar was borrowed from where?

(a) Afghanistan

(b) Turkey

(c) Persia

(d) Mongolia

Q.6. Which of following Sultans of Slave (Mamluk) dynasty was the first to issue regular currency and declare Delhi as the capital of Delhi Sultanate? 

(a) Iltutmish

(b) Balban

(c) Aram shah

(d) Nasiruddin mahmud

Q.7. Which of the following rulers of Delhi Sultanate was the first to introduce the practice of Sajda (Sijdah) and Paibos (kissing feet) befor the Sultan? 

(a) Iltutmish

(b) Balban

(c) Jalauddin Khilji

(d) Muhammad Tughlaq

Q.8. In which year did Shah Jahan, the sixth Mughal emperor, ascend to the throne?

(a) 1627

(b) 1628

(c) 1629

(d) 1639

Q.9. During the rule of which Delhi Sultanate ruler did Ibn Batuta (Battutah) visit India?

(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(b) Alauddin Khilji

 (c) Muhammad bid Tughluq 

 (d) Ghiasuddin Tughlaq

Q.10. Who was the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

(a) Ibrahim Lodi

(b) Bahlul Khan Lodi

(c) Barbak Shah Lodi

(d) Sikandar Lodi


Q.1. - (b)

Malik Kafur was Alauddin’s lieutenant and Man Friday. He successfully executed his master’s expeditions to the South India and brought immense wealth from the South Indian kingdoms after demolishing many temples.

 Q.2. - (d)

The 6th Mughal emperor Aurangzeb had banned music in the tenth year of his reign, i.e. 1668, even though he personally enjoyed it.

Q.3. - (a) 

Sir Thomas Roe stayed at Jahangir's court from the end of 1615 till the end of 1618.

Q.4. - (a) 

Akbar reigned from 1556 to 1605 

Q.5. - (d) 

Mansabdari system, a unique feature of the administrative system of the Mughal empire, was introduced by Akbar with a view to organizing his nobility as well as army. It was borrowed from Mangolia. 

Mansabdar (holder of a rank, or an officer) is a title derived from the word Mansab which is of Arabic origin and means a rank or a position.  

Q.6. - (a) 

Iltutmish was the first Sultan of Delhi who issued regular currency and declared Delhi as the capital of his empire.

Q.7. - (b) 

Those who attended the court of Mamluk (Slave) Sultan were supposed to observe sizda (prostration before the sultan) and paibod (kissing his feet). These practices were considered un-Islamic. Balban was also the first Indian ruler to introduce the celebration of the Persian new year (Nao-roz or Navroz) in India.

Q.8. - (b) 

Shah Jahan ascended the Mughal throne at Agra in February 1628. 

Q.9. - (c) 

A native of Morocco, Ibn Battutah was an Arab traveller who arrived at Multan in 1333 during the rule of second Tughlaq ruler Muhammad bid Tughluq. After serving for eight years as the Qazi (judge) of Delhi, he was dismissed from the post by the Tughlaq Sultan.

Q.10. - (a) 

Ibrahim Lodi, the last of the Lodi rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, is a famous personality in the Indian history whose defeat by Babur, the founder of the Mughal empire, in the first Battle of Panipat in 1526 led to the foundation of a new dynasty, named the Mughal empire, in India which lasted till 1857.

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