Thursday, April 14, 2011

Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golconda

Five separate Sultanates arose in the Deccan, one after another, on the break-up of the Bahmanai kingdom. Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golconda was one of them. The founder of this dynasty was Sultan Quli Hamadani who was given the charge of the region of Golconda by the Bahmani ruler in 1494.

Sultan Quli Hamadani was given the title of Qutbul Mulk by the Bahmani ruler. Taking advantage of the weakening of the Bahmani kingdom, he declared independce in 1512. His reign was characterized by his constant struggles with the rulers of the Vijayanagar empire. Qutbul Mulk was killed by his son Jamshid in 1543 at the age of ninety-eight.

Jamshid ruled for seven years. His rule was characterized by chaos and his boneheaded obstinacy made his unpopular. His brother Ibrahim, fearing his life, went to the protection of Vijayanagar rulers. Jamshid was succeeded by his son Subhan. Taking advantage of the prevailing discontent in the empire, Ibrahim succeeded in becoming the ruler of the Qutb dynasty. Ibrahim’s reign was a major milestone in the history of Goconda. Ibrahim was a man of education and learning. He joined the coalition that defeated the Vijayanagar army in the battle of Talikota. Ibrahim died in 1580 and was succeeded by his son Muhammad Quli who is credited with the foundation of Hyderabad. After his death in 1612 Muhammad became the ruler of Qutb Shahi dynasty.

Golconda was incorporated into the Mughal empire in 1687.

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