Saptaparni Cave: Venue of the First Buddhist Council

Saptaparni Cave, Rajgir, Bihar

Located near Rajgir (Rajagriha) in Bihar, Sattapanni or Saptaparni Cave is said to be the venue for the First Buddhist Council (sangiti). The first Buddhist council  was held to compile the dhamma (religious doctrines) and the vinaya (monastic code). 

Rajagriha, which once served the capital of 6th century BC Magadhan ruler Bimbisara, is sixty miles to the south-east of the modern Patna, the capital of Bihar. 

The first council was participated in by five hundred monks. At the council, Upali, one of the Buddha’s chief disciples, recited the vinaya pitaka, or Rules of the Order, while another important disciple Ananada recited the sutta pitaka, the collection of the Buddha’s sermons on matters of doctrine and ethics.

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