Sunday, June 11, 2023

History MCQs – Set 8 - Modern India

 Q.1. Mahatma Gandhi started his famous Salt March from his Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to.

(a) Dandi 

(b) Kheda

(c) Kuttch

(d) Somnath

Q.2. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(a) Warren Hastings-The Battle of Buxar 

(b) Lord Cornwallis-The Permanent Settlement of Bengal

(c) Lord Wellesley-The Prohibition of Sati

(d) Lord Dalhousie-Local Self- government

Q.3. Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched?

(a) Mohammad Ali Jinnah-Khilafat Movement

(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhle-Servants of India Society

(c) Syed Ahmed Khan-Mohammadam Anglo Oriental Defence Association

(d) Moti Lal Nehru-Nehru Report

Q.4. Who among the following was associated with the newspaper 'The Commonweal'?

(a) John Bright

(b) Raja Rammohan Roy 

(c) William Wedderburn

(d) Annie Besant

Q.5. Which of the following is the writer of Geeta Rahasya ?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak

(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhle

(d) Aurobindo Ghosh

Q.6. Who was the founder of the 'Asiatic Society of Bengal'?

(a) Henry Thomas Colebrooke

(b) William Jones

(c) Charles Wilkins

(d) Nathaniel Brassey Halhed

Q.7. Which one of the following was an emigre communist journal of M.N. Roy? 

(a) The Worker

(b) Vanguard

(c) The Spark

(d) Anushilan

Q.8. Who among the following did not subscribe to Dadabhai Naoroji’s Drain Theory?

(a) M.G. Ranade

(b) B.G. Tilak

(c) R.C. Dutt

(d) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Q.9. Who was the founder of’ ‘Ghadar Party’?

(a) Madan Lal Dhingra

(b) Chandrashekhar Azad

(c) Lala Har Dayal

(d) Batukeshwar Dutt

Q.10.Socialism is essentially a movement of

(a) Intellectuals

(b) The poor people

(c) The middle classes

(d) The workers



Notes: On 12 March 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started his famous salt march. This was a nearly 385 km march from his Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to Dandi, a coastal town in Gujarat. 


Notes:The Permanent Settlement, also known as the Permanent Settlement of Bengal,  was introduced in 1793 under Lord Cornwallis as the Governor-General. 


Notes: Jinnah was opposed to non-cooperation movement (1920-22) started by Gandhi. 


Notes: In 1914 Annie Besant started the publication of the Commonweal and New India. These journals soon became her chief vehicle for propagating the beliefs of India’s freedom.


Notes:Shrimadh Bhagavad Gita Rahasya, commonly also known as Gita Rahasya, was written by Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a leading light of Indian freedom struggle. 


Notes: A celebrated orientalist William Jones was the president of the Asiatic Society of Bengal which he founded in 1784. 


Notes: M.N. Roy was the founder of the Mexican Communist Party and the Communist Party of India (Tashkent group). His own journal, the Vanguard, which was the organ of the emigre Communist Party of India, was first published in 1922. 


Notes: A critic of British economic policy in India, Naoroji is known for his enunciations of the Drain Theory in his long paper, Poverty and Un-British Rule in India.


Notes:The Ghadar Movement was an effort by India expatriates to liberate India from colonial rule. Hardayal, Sohan Singh Bakhna and Pandit Kanshi Ram were among the  founders of the Ghadar Movement. 


Notes: Socialism is an idea that when a business does well the workers, not the owners, ought to receive the rewards. 

Socialism as an idea has been around since antiquities. Modern socialism originally acquired a concrete theory in 19th century originating from an intellectual and working class political movement that underscored the effects of industrialization and private property on society.

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