Saturday, December 4, 2021

Centre refuses to accept Paika revolution as first war of independence

The Centre has recently refused to accept Paika rebellion as the first war of independence. In 2017, the Odisha Government demanded that the Odisha rebellion be declared as the first war of independence. Currently, the Revolt of 1857, known variously as First War of Independence and Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 is called the first war of independence against British Rule. The Revolt of 1857 shook the very foundation of the British Empire in India.

Paika Rebellion took place from 1817 to 1825 in Odisha.

What is the Paika Rebellion?

The Paikas were a warrior class who were given rent-free lands by the Gajapat kings in Odisha in lieu of the military services they would render to the Kingdom of Khurda.

.In 1804, the King of Khurda, Raja Mukunda Deva, who was dethroned by the British in the previous year, organized a rebellion against the British with the help of his Paiks. However, the rebellion ended in a fiasco and the British confiscated his entire territory.

As the new land revenue settlements of the British came into force the Paikas lost their estates. The oppression of the British in the following years caused a resentment among the Paikas who under the leadership of Bakshi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar confronted the British on April 2, 1817. Bakshi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar was the military chief of the King of Khurda. 

All government buildings in Banapur in Khurda districts were set on fire and the British treasury was looted. Many policemen lost their lives.

The revolt was ultimately suppressed with brutality by the British. Bakshi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar [Bidyadhar Mohapatra] surrendered to the British in 1825 and died while still in jail in 1829

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