Monday, April 26, 2021

History Ancient India - MCQs – Set 1

1. At which of the following Indus Valley Sites, the remains of camel bones have been found?

(a) Surkotada

(b) Kalibangan

(c) Lothal

(d) Kot Diji

2. Which one of the following was not cultivated in the Indus Valley civilization?

a) Wheat

b) Barley.

c) Sugarcane

d) Sesamum

3. Which of the following birds was worshiped by the people of Harappan civilization?

(a) Pigeon

(b) Eagle

(c) Crow

(d) Peacock

4. What does the name Kalibangan mean?

(a) Black Bangles

(b) Clay Bangles

(c) Glass Bangles

(d) Yellow Bangles

 5. Which of the following events in Buddha's life did not take place on a full moon day (Purnima)?

(a) Birth

(b) Death (Mahaparinirvana)

(c) Enlightenment

(d) Renunciation (Mahabhinishkramana) 

6. To whom is the sacred text of Jainism, Kalpasutra, ascribed to ?

(a) Bhadrabahu

(b) Sthulabhadra

(c) Hemachandra

(d) Nayachandra

7. Who among the following rulers was not a patron of Jainism?

(a) Kharavela 

(b) Amoghavarsha

(c) Gaud Shashank

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

8. To whom is Sariputra-prakarana ascribed to?

(a) Asvaghosha

(b) Mahendravikramavarman

(c) Nagasena

(d) Meander

9. Which God is the famous Gayatri mantra addressed to?

(a) Savitr

(b) Indra

(c) Varuna

(d) Soma

10. Which among the rulers was called Vindhya Adhipati? 

(a) Harshvardhan 

(b) Gautamiputra Satkarni 

(c) Samudragupta 

(d) Chandragupta Maurya 








7-c: In the latter half of the first century B.C. King Kharavela of Orissa professed Jainism and became its great patron. 

8-a: Asvaghosha was a great Buddhist scholar who was a contemporary of the great Kushan ruler Knishka. He is the author of the famous Buddhist tract, Vajrasuchi (Diamond needle). Buddhacharita, the earliest surviving classical Sanskrit work written in verse, is also ascribed to him.

9-a: Gayatri mantra is contained in the Rig Veda and is dedicated to the old solar god Savitr.

10-b: The greatest ruler of the Satavahana dynasty was Gautamiputra Satkarni. 

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