Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Miracles of Buddha in Shravasti

                   Anandabodhi tree in Jetavana monastery/Wikimedia Commons

It was at Shravasti or Sravasti where the Buddha is said to have performed feats of levitation and other miracles due to challenge from his rivals, though he disapproved their performance by his monks and disciples.

A major centre of Buddhist pilgrimage, Sravasti in Uttar Pradesh is known for being the place where the Buddha spent the major portion of his missionary life. In fact, he passed as many as 25 rainy seasons of life here. Needless to say, a large number of his sermons were delivered in Sravasti which served as the ancient capital of Kosala during the reign of king Presenajit. It ranked among the six main cities during the time of Buddha’s death. This can be ascertained form Buddha’s disciple Ananda’s disappointment t that his teacher should have chosen to die in Sravasti instead of a small place like Kusinagar. 

Sravasti finds mention in the travelogues of Fa-hsien who came to India in the fifth century AD to obtain authentic copies of the Buddhist texts. Though he found monasteries full of spiritual activities the city was losing its prosperity.  

Sravasti continue to be a Buddhist centre till the 9th century. However the place began to lose its importance and after the 12th century AD, nothing much is known about Sravasti. Excavations at this site have unearthed the remains of five brick-built monasteries together with a shrine and a stupa.

Places of attraction

Jetavana Vihara

Donated to Buddha by his devotee Sudatta or Anathapindika, a rich banker of Sravasti, this magnificent monastery consisted of a very large complex of buildings including dwelling rooms, bathrooms, halls of meditation and ponds. Anandabodhi tree and the Gandhakuti (Buddha's hut) are located within the site of Jetavana Vihara. 

Pubbarama Vihara

The second most spiritually important monastery in Sravasti was Pubbarama on the premises of which was located magnificent two-storeyed building known as Migaramatupasada. The Buddha had spent six rainy seasons in Pubbarama monastery.

Rajakarama Vihara

This was built by king Presenajit who was a contemporary and devotee of the Buddha. Here Buddha is said to have preached the Nandakovida Sutta and several sermons contained in the Saihyutta Nikaya.

Other important places of attractions in Sravasti are Stupa of Angulimala (the notorious bandit who was converted by the Buddha from his evil ways), Place (Stupa) of the Twin Miracle.

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