Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chittor Conquest of Ala-ud-din Khilji

In 1303 AD, Ala-ud-din Khilji attacked Chittor in Rajasthan. Chittor, the capital of Mewar, was controlled by Guhila Rajputs. The geographical location of Chittor kept it immune to external invasion.

Being an imperialist Ala-ud-din thought of sending an expedition to Chittor, ruled by Rana Ratan Singh at that time. However according to several Rajput sources and Malik Muhammad Jayasi’s Padmavat, the principal reason of Ala-ud-din’s invasion of Chittor was to acquire Rata Singh’s queen Padmini who was of exquisite beauty. The story of Padmini does not seem plausible because it is not explicitly mentioned in any contemporary sources. Even the celebrated poet and writer Amir Khusrau, who accompanied Ala-ud-din during this expedition, does not mention anything about the episode.

Durig the siege of Chittor the Rajputs showed exemplary valour. Their two brave leaders, named Gora and Badal, showed utmost bravery. But the army of Chittor was no match for the organized strength of Delhi Sultanate. After a long siege of eight moths, Chittor was captured by Ala-ud-din, who renamed the city Khizrabad, after the name of his eldest son, Khizr Khan. Rajput women preferred death to dishonor and performed Jauhar (self immolation). According to Tod, “that horrible rite, the Jauhar, where the females are immolated to preserve them from pollution or captivity. The funeral pyre was lighted within the ‘great subterranean retreat’, in chambers impervious to the light of the day, and the defenders of Chittor beheld in procession the queens, their own wives and daughters, to the number of several thousands. The fair Padmini closed the throng….They were conveyed to the cavern, and the opening closed upon them, leaving them to find security from dishonor in the devouring element”.

According to Amir Khusrav, 30000 Hindus were killed followed by demolition of many temples.

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