Tuesday, March 8, 2022

History quiz: How much do you know about the Tughlaq Dynasty - Part 4

                                Fort of Firoz Shah Tughlaq at Hisar (Haryana) / Image Source

 Q.1. In which year did Firoz Shah Tughlaq found the city of Hisar-e-Firoza?

(a) 1354 AD

(b) 1375 AD

(c) 1380 AD

(d) 1390 AD

Q.2. Which of the following rulers of Delhi Sultanate is said to have built the biggest network of canals in his empire?

(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq 

(b) Balban

(c) Alauddin Khilji

(d) Sikandar Lodi

Q.3. Which Tughlaq Sultan had established Employment bureau?

(a)Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

(b) Muhamamd bin Tughlaq

(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq 

(d)None of the above

Q.4. Ferozpur (in Punjab) was founded by Firoz Shah Tughlaq. The city is located on the banks of.

(a)Chenab river

(b)Ravi river

(c)Sutlej river

(d)Beas river

Q.5. Which of the following Tughlaq Sultans increased the land revenue to overcome financial crunch?

(a) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(c) Giyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(d) Abu Bakr Shah 

Q.6. Arrange the following Tughlaq rulers in chronological order

(I) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(II) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(III) Giyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(IV) Abu Bakr Shah

(V)  Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughlaq

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


(b) II, I, V,IV,III


(d) III, I, II, IV, V

Q.7. For the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) below, choose the correct alternative 

Assertion: Firuz Shah Tughlaq imposed Jizya tax on all non–Muslim subjects. 

Reason: His prime minister (Na'ib Wazir) Malik Maqbul, more famously known as  Khan-i-Jahan Maqbul, was a convert to Islam.  

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.

(C) A is true but R is false.

(d) A is false but R is true.

Q.8. Which Sultans of Delhi Sultanate tried to prohibit Sati? 

(a) Balban 

(b) Alauddin Khilji 

(c) Muhammad bin Tughlaq 

(d) Firuz Tughlaq

Q.9. During the Sultanate period, the empire was divided into provinces known as 

(a) Iqtas 

(b) Paraganas

(c) Shiqs

(d) Mahals

Q.10. Who was the ruler of Tughlaq empire when famous Sufi Saint Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti died?

(a) Giyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(b) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(d)None of the above

Q.11. Which of the following Tughlaq rulers built the Gujri Mahal in Hissar in Haryana?

(a)  Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(b)  Giyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(c)  Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(d)  Abu Bakr Shah 

Q. 12. During the reign of which Tughlaq ruler the Asokan pillars from Meerut and Topra were transported to Delhi?

(a) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(c) Giyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(d) Abu Bakr Shah 




Hisar-e-Firoza was founded by Firoz Shah Tughlaq in 1354. Gurjari Mahal, Lat ki Masjid and an Ashokan pillar are famous attractions of Hisar. 



Firoz Shah Tughlaq is known to have excavated a large number of canals. 



Firoz Shah Tughlaq had established Employment bureau. 



The city of Firozpur is located on the banks of the Sutlej river on the Indo-Pakistan border.



With a view to overcoming the financial difficulties in his empire, Muhammad bin Tughlaq in 1328-29 raised the land revenue to half of the produce on the farmers of Doab (land between the Ganges and Yamuna rivers).



Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughlaq was the last Tughlaq SUltan


Firuz Shah Tughlaq extended the Jizya tax to all non-Muslims. 

Malik Maqbul, more famously known as  Khan-i-Jahan Maqbul, was the prime minister (Na'ib Wazir) of Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the last great ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty. He was given the title of Khan-i-Jahan by the Tughlaq Sultan.



Muhammad bin Tughlaq tried to stop Sati in the 14th century. 



The Delhi Sultanate was further divided into smaller provinces known as Iqtas. These provinces were headed by Iqtadars. The provinces were divided into shiqs and paraganas or modern day districts.  



Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was the ruler of Tughlaq empire when famous Sufi Saint Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti died in 1326 AD. 



Gurjari Mahal, built by Firoz Shah, for his wife Gurjari in 1356, is in Hisar. 



There are two Ashoka pillars in Delhi -the one near Bara Hindu Rao Hospital and another at Ferozeshah Kotla. The pillars were brought from Meerut and Topra near Ambala during the reign of  Feroz Shah Tughlaq in the 14th century AD. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

History quiz: How much do you know about the Tughlaq Dynasty - Part 3

                                Tughlaq Dynasty 1321-1398 / Image Credit

Q.1. Which Delhi sultan among the following has been described as the “Mixture of Opposites”?

(a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak

(b) Ala-ud-din Khiliji

(c) Ghiyasuddin Balban 

(d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Q.2. Who among the following rulers of Delhi Sultanate had introduced the token currency?

(a) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(b) Alauddin Khilji

(c) Ghiyasuddin Balban

(d) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Q.3. Who among the following has written Futuhat-i-Firozshahi?

(a) Ziauddin Barani 

(b) Shams-i-Siraj Afif

(c) Amir Khusrav

(d) Firuz Shah Tughlaq 

Q.4. Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi has been written by 

(a) Ziauddin Barani

(b) Shams-i-Siraj Afif

(c) Both a and b

(d) Yayiha bin Ahmad Sarhindi

Q.5. Which of the following rulers of Delhi Sultanate had made Iqtadari system heredity?

(a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

(b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq.

(d) Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq

Q.6. The medieval text Fatwa-i-Jahandari was written by__________

(a) Ziauddin Barani

(b) Shams-i-Siraj Afif

(c) Minhaj-i-Siraj

(d) Isami

Q.7. Who among the following Sultans of Tughlaq dynasty had introduced new coins “Adha and Bikh”?

(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

(c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(d) Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq

Q.8. What years cover the span of Firoz Shah Tughlaq's reign?

(a) 1320- 1325

(b) 1325 – 1351

(c) 1351- 1388

(d) 1394- 1413

Q.9. The last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi sultanate was?

(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq 

(b) Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq

(c) Ala ud-din Sikandar Shah

(d) Abu Bakr Shah

Q.10. Who was the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate when Amir Timur (Tamerlane) invaded India?

a) Balban 

b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq 

c) Muhamamd bin Tughlaq

D) Nasir-ud-din Mahmud


1- d


Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s idiosyncratic behaviour had earned him several epithets including “Mixture of opposites”. 

2- a


Muhammad Bin Tughlaq had carried out several monetary experiments. Edward Thomas has described him 'Prince of Moneyers'. 



Futuhat-i-Firozshahi is an autobiographical account written  by the third Tughlaq ruler Firuz Shah Tughlaq.  

4- c


Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi was written by Zia ud Din Barani.  Shams-i-Siraj Afif had also written a book by the same title. 

5- b


Firoz Shah Tughlaq had made Iqta (assignment of land revenue) system hereditary. 

6- a


  • Fatwa-i-Jahandari was written by Ziauddin Barani. 
  • Abdul Malik Isami, popularly known as Isami, has written Futuh-us-Salatin which he completed in 1350 AD. He resided in the court of the founder of the Bahmani Sultanate, Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah, to whom he dedicated Futuh-us-Salatin.
  • He began writing the Futuh-us-Salatin in December 1349 and completed it in May 1350 AD.



The third Tughlaq Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlaq had introduced to new coins Adha (50% Jital) and Bikh (25% Jital). 

8- c


Firoz Shah Tughlaq succeeded to the throne in 1351 after the demise of his cousin Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq who had become second Tughlaq sultan in 1325 AD. Firuz Shah Tughlaq in 1388, aged eighty-two

9- b


Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq (reign: 1394 – February 1413 CE), also known as Nasiruddin Mohammad Shah, was the last sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty



It was during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud (1394-1413), the last of the Tughluq rulers, in the years 1398-99, that Amir Timur, the terrible Mongol military leader of Central Asia, invaded India creating havoc in the forms of massacres and plunders.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

History quiz: How much do you know about the Tughlaq Dynasty - Part 2

                                Tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq / Image credit

Q.1. Prior to becoming Sultan, Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq was the governor of?

(a) Dipalpur

(b) Badaun

(c) Kara

(d) Bhatinda 

Q.2. Which of the following Tughlaq rulers was responsible for establishing the 'Diwan-e-Amir Kohi' department?

(a) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(b) Muhammad bin Tuhglaq

(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(d) None of the above

Q.3. Between whom was the battle of Lahrawat fought in 1320 AD?

(a) Guiyas-ud-din Tughlaq and Khusrav Khan 

(b) Guiyas-ud-din Tughlaq and Malik Kafur

(C) Mubarak Shah Khilji and Khusrav Khan

(d) Malik Kafur and Khusrav Khan

Q.4. Muhammad bin Tughlaq was well versed in 

(a) Astronomy

(b) Jurisprudence

(c) Medicine

(d) All of the above 

Q.5. The tomb of Sufi saint Shah Rukn-e-Alam in Multan was built by_______.

a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak

b) Alau-ud-din Khiliji

c) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq

d) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Q.6. When did Muhammad bin Tughlaq shift his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad?

a) 1325

b) 1326

c) 1327

d) 1328

Q.7. Which city was named Daulatabad by Muhammad bin Tughlaq?  

(a) Devagiri

(b) Badaun

(c) Dwarasamudra

(d) Warangal

Q.8. Which Tughlaq Sultan built the Tughlaqabad Fort?

(a) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq

(b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

(c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq

(d) Muhammad Shah

Q.9. Which Delhi Sultanate Sultan died from the collapse of the pavilion built by his son?

(a) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(b) Ala ud-din Khilji

(c) Jalal ud-din Khilji

(d) Feroz Shah Tughlaq

Q.10. In which year did Muhammad bin Tughlaq succeed to the throne of Tughlaq dynasty? 

(a) 1324

(b) 1325

(c) 1326

(d) 1327




Guiyas-ud-din Tughlaq worked under the Khilji rule as the governor of Dipalpur (now in Pakistan).



Muhammad bin Tuhglaq had established the 'Diwan-e-Amir Kohi' department related to agriculture. 



The battle of Lahrawat was fought in 1320 AD between Gazi Malik or Guiyas-ud-din Tughlaq and Khusrav Khan.  Guiyas-ud-din Tughlaq defeated defeated Khusrav and beheaded Khusrav. Gazi Malik became the Sultan of Delhi Sultanate under the title of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq and the dynasty, he founded, is known as Tughluq dynasty.



With an excellent command on Arabic and Persian, Muhammad bin Tughlaq was well versed in astronomy, jurisprudence, logic, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and rhetoric.



The Tomb of Shah Rukn-e-Alam is the mausoleum of the Sufi saint Sheikh Rukn-ud-Din Abul Fateh. The shrine is considered to be the earliest example of Tughluq architecture. It is located in Multan in  Pakistan. 



In 1327 a rebellion by his cousin Bahauddin Gurshasp, governor of Sagar, prompted Muhammad bin Tughluq to transfer his capital from Delhi to centrally located Devagiri, which he named Daulatabad. However, this experiment of his did not go down well with the Delhi populace. This forced the Sultan to retransfer the capital to Delhi.    



Devagiri is in Maharashtra. 



Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq is credited with the construction of the fortified city of Tughlaqabad, located on the Mehrauli-Badarpur Road in Delhi.



Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, founder of the Tughlaq dynasty, died in 1325 from the collapse of the pavilion which was constructed by his son Muhammad bin Tughlaq.



Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the Tughlaq Sultan of Delhi from 1325 to 1351.

History quiz: How much do you know about the Tughlaq Dynasty - Part 1

                                                                     Tughlaqabad Fort

Q.1. Who was the founder of Tughlaq Dynasty?

(a) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

(c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq 

(d) None of these

Q.2. Who among the following Tughlaq Sultans had established Diwan-i-Bandagan (department of slaves)?

(a) Giyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(d) None of the above

Q.3. The last ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty was _____.

(a) Nusrat Shah

(b) Mahmud Shah

(c) Abu Bakr Shah

(d) Muhammad Shah lll

Q.4. In which year was the Tughluq dynasty founded?

(a) 1315 AD

(b) 1320 AD

(c) 1325 AD

(d) 1330 AD

Q.5. Who among the following was the Delhi Sultanate ruler when the Vijayanagara Empire came into existence? 

(a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

(b) Giyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(d) Khizr Khan

Q.6. Which among the following was the real name of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq?  

(a) Ghazi Malik

(b) Juna Khan

(c) Nizam Khan

(d) None of these

Q.7. Where did Muhammad bin Tughlaq die?

(a) Thatta

(b) Kara

(c) Multan

(d) Jaunpur

Q.8. Which among the following was the real name of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq?

(a) Ghazi Malik

(b) Juna Khan

(c) Nizam Khan

(d) None of these

Q.9. Who among the following historians was appointed as the Chief Qazi of Delhi by Delhi Sultanate sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq?

(a) Shams Siraj Afif

(b) Ibn Battuta

(c) Zia-ud-din Barani

(d) Amir Khusrav

Q.10. Which of the following statements are correct with respect to Muhammad bin Tuhglaq?

1) Muhammad bin Tuhglaq had introduced monetary reforms

2) Muhammad bin Tuhglaq increased the tax paid by the people living in the Doab region. 

3) Muhammad bin Tuhglaq had established the department of slaves or Diwan-i-Bandagan 

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) Only 1 and 2

(d) 1, 2 and 3


1- a


Ghazi Malik or Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq was the founder of the Tughluq dynasty, the third of the five dynasties, the combination of which went on to be called the Delhi Sultanate.

2- c


Firoz Shah Tughlaq had established Diwan-i-Bandagan (department of slaves). 

The officer in-charge of Diwan-i-Bandagan (department of slaves) was Arj-e-Bandagan. 

Firoz Shah Tughlaq is known to have as many as 180,000 slaves. According to the contemporary historian Shams Siraj Afif, their rise brought disaster to the Tughlaqs. They annihilated Firuz's sons and played roles in destroying the Tughlaq dynasty. Firuz's eunuch named Malik Sarwar founded the Sharqi dynasty of Jaunpur. 

3- b


Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughlaq was the last sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty.

4- b


The rule of the Tughlaq dynasty lasted from 1320 to 1413

5- a


The rule of Muhammad bin Tughlaq lasted from 1325 to 1351. The Vijayanagara Empire was founded in 1336. 



Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq was called Ghazi Malik before his ascension to the throne of Tughluq dynasty.  



While fighting against the rebels in Thatta in Sindh Muhammad bin Tughlaq died in 1351. 



Real name of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq was Juna Khan. 



Ibn Battuta was appointed Qazi of Delhi by Delhi Sultanate sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq. 

Ibn Batuta was an Arab traveller who arrived at Multan in 1333 during the rule of second Tughlaq ruler Muhammad bid Tughluq. After serving for eight years as the Qazi (judge) of Delhi, he was dismissed from the post by the Tughlaq Sultan.

Ibn Batuta was a native of Morocco.



Feroz Shah Tughlaq had established a  department of slaves or Diwan-i-Bandagan.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

History quiz: How much do you know about the Lodi Dynasty

Sikander Lodi's Tomb

Lodi dynasty was replaced by the Mughal rule in 1526. How much do you know about the Lodi Dynasty which was the last of the dynasties that comprised Delhi Sultanate? 

Q.1. After which dynasty did the Lodi dynasty come to rule during the Delhi Sultanate period?

(a) Slave Dynasty

(b) Khiliji dynasty

(c) Tughlaq dynasty

(d) Sayyid dynasty

Q.2. Who was the founder of the Lodi dynasty?

(a) Daulat Khan Lodi 

(b) Bahlul Khan Lodhi 

(c) Ibrahim Lodhi

(d) Sikandar Lodhi

Q.3. When was the foundation of the Lodhi dynasty laid?

(a) 1414

(b) 1451

(c) 1489

(d) 1526

Q.4. Who was the Lodi sultan when Guru Nanak was born?

(a) Bahlul Khan Lodi

(b) Sikandar Lodhi

(c) Ibrahim Lodhi

(d) None of the above

Q.5. Bahlul Khan Lodi was the governor of which province/s during the rule of Muhammad Shah of Sayyid dynasty?

(a) Lahore 

(b) Sirhind 

(c) Bhatinda 

(d) Both a and b

Q.6. Bahlul Khan Lodi, founder of the Lodi dynasty, was succeeded by whom in 1489?

(a) Sikandar Lodhi

(b) Ibrahim Lodhi

(c) Daulat Khan Lodi 

(d) None of the above

Q.7. Who among the following Lodi rulers was known as Nizam Khan before he became sultan?

(a) Bahlul Khan Lodi

(b) Ibrahim Lodhi

(c) Sikandar Lodhi

(d) Daulat Khan Lodi 

Q.8. Which of the following rulers of Delhi Sultanate introduced the system of auditing the accounts?

(a) Sikandar Lodhi

(b) Alau-ud-din Khiliji

(c) Muhammad bin Tuhjlaq

(d) Ibrahim Lodi

Q.9. Which of the following Delhi Sutans is credited with the foundation of Agra?

(a) Bahlol Lodhi

(b) Sikandar Lodhi

(c) Firuz Tughlaq

(d) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

Q.10. Which of the following statements is/are correct about Sikandar Lodi? 

1.Sikandar Lodi was a religious bigot

2.The rule of Sikandar Lodi saw the rising popularity of Avicenna’s philosophy in Delhi.

3.Sikandar Lodi had written verses in Persian under the penname of Gulrakhi. 

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) None of the above




Lodi Dynasty which ruled the Delhi Sultanate from 1451 to 1526 came after the Sayyid Dynasty which ruled from 1414 to 1451.  



One of the five dynasties that ruled Delhi Sultanate, the Lodi dynasty was the last of these. The founder of the dynasty was Bahlul Khan Lodi.



The Lodi dynasty ruled for seventy five years from 1451-1526 till their last ruler Ibrahim Lodi was defeated and killed by Babur in the First battle of Panipat in 1526 resulting in the establishment of Mughal empire in India.



Guru Nanak was born on 15 April 1469 at Rāi Bhoi Kī Talvaṇḍī village (present-day Nankana Sahib, Punjab, Pakistan). 



Bahlul Khan Lodi, the founder of the Lodi dunasty, was the governor of Lahore and Sirhind during the rule of Muhammad Shah of Sayyid dynasty. 



Bahlul Khan Lodi was succeeded by his son Sikandar Lodi in 1489. 



Sikandar Lodhi  was born as Nizam Khan. 



Sikandar Lodhi had introduced the system of auditing the accounts.



Sikandar Lodhi had laid the foundation of Agra in 1504. 



  • Sikandar Lodi was a religious bigot and destroyed Hindu temples including Jwalamukhi temple at Nagarkot.
  • His rule saw the rising popularity of Avicenna’s philosophy in Delhi. 
  • Sikandar Lodi had written verses in Persian under the penname of Gulrakhi. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

History quiz: how much do you know about Sunga dynasty?

Test your knowledge of the Sunga dynasty with our history quiz...

Q.1. The last Mauryan ruler was killed by the founder of the Sunga dynasty. Who was the founder of Sunga Dynasty?

(a)  Pushyamitra Sunga

(b)  Agnimitra

(c)  Vasumitra

(d)  Devabhuti

Q.2. Agnimitra was the son of which Sunga king?

(a)  Pushyamitra 

(b)  Devabhuti

(c)  Vasumitra

(d)  Bhagvata 

Q.3. Which of the following rules did not belong to the Sunga dynasty?

(a)  Vasumitra

(b)  Vasudeva  

(c)  Bhagvata 

(d)  Devabhuti

Q.4. How many Ashvamedha or horse-sacrifices was/were performed by Pushyamitra, the founder ruler of Sunga Dynasty? 

(a)  One 

(b)  Two

(c)  Three 

(d)  None 

Q.5. The last ruler of the Sunga dynasty was killed by Vasudeva Kanva who laid the foundation of Kanva dynasty? Who was he?

(a)  Vasumitra

(b)  Bhagvata 

(c)  Devabhuti

(d)  Bhagabhadra

Q.6. Greek ambassador Heliodorus visited the court of which Sunga ruler?

(a)  Pushyamitra Sunga

(b)  Agnimitra

(c)  Devabhuti

(d)  Bhagabhadra

Q.7. The famed Indian grammarian Patanjali was a contemporary of 

(a)  Pushyamitra Sunga

(b)  Agnimitra

(c)  Devabhuti

(d)  None of the aboce

Q.8. Who among the following Sunga rulers was the hero of Kalidasa’s drama Malavikagnimitra?

(a)  Pushyamitra 

(b)  Agnimitra

(c)  Vasumitra, 

(d)  Devabhuti

Q.9- Which of the following rulers was not responsible for the expansion of Buddhism?

(a) Asoka

(b) Harshvardhan

(c) Kanishka

(d) Pushyamitra




The founder of the Sunga dynasty was Pushyamitra, a Brahman general of Brihadratha, the last Mauryan emperor.

2- a


Pushyamitra was succeeded by his son Agnimitra.

3- b 


Pushyamitra was succeeded by his son Agnimitra. Prominent among other rulers belonging to the Shunga dynasty were Vasumitra, Bhagvata and Devabhuti. 

4- b


According to Ayodhya Inscription of Dhandeva, Pushyamitra Sunga performed two Ashwamedha (Horse Sacrifices). 

5- c


Devabhuti (83 to 73 BC) was the last ruler of Sunga dynasty. He was killed by his minister Vasudeva Kanva who established a new dynasty which came to known as Kanva dynasty.

6 – d


The Besanager inscription records that a Sunga king Bhagabhadra received an ambassador named Heliodorus from a Greek king of Taxila, Antialcidas.

7- a

8 – b


Agnimitra, the second ruler of the Shunga dynasty, is the hero of Kalidasa’s famous drama Malavikagnimitra. 

9 - d


According to the Buddhist texts, Pushyamitra persecuted the Buddhists. However, these claims are probably exaggerated given the flourishing state of Buddhism during his rule attested by the remains of Bharhut. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

Two Day International Conference on temple architecture underway at Hampi


Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is organizing a two-day international conference ‘Devayatanam – An odyssey of Indian temple architecture’ on 25th - 26th February, 2022 at the World Heritage Site of Hampi in Karnataka. 

The chosen venue, Hampi served as the capital of the great medieval era empire of Vijayanagara for more than two centuries from 1336 to 1556 CE. 

                                                Lighting of the lamp

The conference aims to deliberate upon the philosophical, religious, social, economic, technical, scientific, art and architectural aspects of temple. It also intends to initiate a dialogue on the evolution and development of the various styles of temple architecture such as the Nagara, Vesara, Dravida, Kalinga and others.

The conference is attracting eminent scholars discussing on the various facets of the great temples of India. 

The inaugural session of Devayatanam took place at Pattabhirama Temple in Hampi. Various sessions of discussions include Temple- From the Formless to Form, Temple- Evolution of Temple Architecture, Temple-Regional Development Forms and Styles, Temple-Epicenter of art, culture, education, administration and economy, Temple-Protector of environment, Temple- Culture diffusion in South east Asia.

The conference is beneficial for scholars, students of Indian history, archeology, culture and architecture and general public. It intends to create interest among scholars and students alike, to learn and respect our heritage.

Temple has always been an integral part of the Indian life and its ecosystem in its own ways. Temple construction was practiced as a pious act not only in the subcontinent but the idea also travelled to the nearest neighborhood such as south-east and East Asia; therefore, it becomes an interesting study as to how the art and technique of temple architecture spread from India to other regions and how this art was modified.

Today In Indian History (28th March)

1531 - Mahmud Shah II of Malwa surrendered to Bahadur Shah, the sultan of Muzaffarid dynasty of Gujarat after the fort of Mandu fell to Baha...