1399- Amir Timur, the terrible Mongol military leader of Central Asia, overran Meerut on 9th January massacring its inhabitants. Also known as Tamerlane, Timur (April 8, 1336–February 18, 1405) was a ferocious conqueror who is known in history for razing cities to the ground and putting entire populations to the sword.
It was during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud (1394-1413), the last of the Tughluq rulers, in the years 1398-99 that Tamerlane invaded India creating havoc in the forms of massacres and plunders.
1760 - Battle of Barari Ghat was fought on 9th January in 1760 between Marathas and Afghan invaders who killed the Maratha chief Dattaji Sindhia. The battle took place at the Barari Ghat of the Jumna (Yamuna) River, 10 miles (16 km) north of Delhi.
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