Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Today In Indian History (23th January)

1565 - The Battle of Talikota, also known as that of Rakkasagi–Tangadagi, was fought between between Vijayanagara empire and the Muslim Sultanates of Deccan on 23 January 1565. 

It was during the reign of the Taluva (Taluva dynasty was one of the four main dynasties, combination of which is known as the Vijayanagar empire) ruler Sadashiva Raya (1543- 69) that battle of Talikota in 1565 was fought in which Vijayanagar army was defeated by the combined forces of the five Muslim Sultanates of Deccan. This gave body blow to the empire. After this battle the Vijayanagar kingdom lost its grandeur and glory. 

1897 - Nationalist leader Subhash Chandra Bose was born on 23 January in 1897 in Cuttack in Orissa.  He studied in Presidency College and Scottish Church College. In 1920, Bose took the ICS exams in London and came fourth. In 1938 he became president of Indian National Congress. He was gain elected Congress president in 1939. After his expulsion from the Congress he left from India through Afghanistan in 1941.  

Subhash Chandra Bose was the president of the Forward Bloc.  


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Today In Indian History (3rd March)

1575 -   On  3 March   1575,  the Battle of Tukaroi was fought between the Mughals army and the Sultanate of Bengal .  The Battle of Tukar...