Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh

Yesterday Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of a university in Aligarh named after Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh who is known for establishing a Provisional Government of Free India in Kabul in 1915 with himself as the President and Maulana Barkatullah of Bhopal as the President. 

Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh was a freedom fighter, revolutionary and journalist.

Born in a royal family in 1886 in Hathras in Uttar Pradesh, Mahendra Pratap Singh was one of the few royals who actively participated in the India’s struggle for freedom. From 1914 to 1945 he lived abroad in the USA, Austria, Germany, China, Afghanistan, Japan and Turkey working for India’s freedom from British colonialism. 

Mahendra Pratap Singh worked closely with the Hindustan Ghadar Party in the USA. In 1926 the Ghadar Part sent him to Tibet to organize a rebellion against the British. He started an Indian League in Japan.

Mahendra Pratap Singh supported technical and vocational education to students by establishing Prem Vidyalaya, a technical college, at Vrindavan in 1909. He believed in the essential unity of all religion and advocated the abolition of the Zamindari system in spite of himself being a landowner.

He started two papers- Prem in Hindi and Nirbal Sewak in Hindi and Urdu.


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