Sunday, August 22, 2021

History MCQs – Set 4 - Modern India

Q. 1. Who was the leader of the Revolt of 1857 in Assam?

(a) Maniram Dewan

(b) Dev Kanta Baruah 

(c) Lachit Barphukan

(d) Kushal Konwar

Q. 2. Who among the following tribal leaders was called Father of the World and regarded as an incarnation of God?

(a) Birsa Munda

(b) Sidhu Murmu 

(c) Kanhu Murmu 

(d) Nanak Bhil

Q. 3. Which Indian historian had said about the Revolt of 1857: “On the whole, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that so-called First National War of Independence is neither First, nor National, nor a war of independence.”

(a) Jadunath Sarkar

(b) D. N. Jha

(c) Ram Sharan Sharma

(d) R.C. Majumadar

Q. 4. Who led the Revolt of 1857 in Bihar?

(a) Kunwar Singh

(b) Mangal Pandey

(c) Tantiya Tope

(d) Nana Saheb

Q. 5. Which among the following was the first to sign the Subsidiary Alliance Treaty with the British? 

(a) Tanjore

(b) Hyderabad 

(c) Berar 

(d) Awadh

Q. 6. Which British Governor- General applied the policy of Subsidiary Alliance to expand the power and influence of the East India Company?

(a) Lord Dalhousie

(b) Warren Hastings

(c) Lord Wellesley  

(d) Lord Cornwallis

Q. 7. Who was the leader of the Narkelberia Uprising in Barasat in Bengal?

(a) Syed Mir Nisar Ali or Titu Mir

(b) Haji Shariatullah

(c) Dudu Miyan

(d) None of the above

Q. 8. Name the system of land revenue settlement introduced in Bengal in 1793?

(a) Permanent Settlement

(b) Ryotwari system 

(c) Zabti or Bandobast system

(d) Mahalwari system

Q. 9. Who wrote the play Neeldarpan which describes the oppression of the indigo planters on the indigo cultivators? 

(a) Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay

(b) Dinabandhu Mitra

(c) C. F. Andrews 

(d) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

Q. 10. The newspaper edited by Harish Chandra Mukherjee used to publish the demands to reform indigo cultivation. What was the name of the newspaper?

(a) Indian Mirror

(b) Samvad Kaumudi

(c) Bengal Journal

(d) Hindu Patriot


Q. 1- (a) 

Maniram Dutta Baruah, famously known as Maniram Dewan (17 April 1806 – 26 February 1858), along with Piyali Barua, was publicly hanged at Jorhat jail for waging war against the British during the revolt of 1857. He comes lauded as India’s first tea planter.  

Q. 2- (a) 

Contribution of Birsa Munda to Indian freedom struggle is immense. Known as ‘Dharti Abba’ or 'Father of the Earth', he was born on November 15, 1875 in the Ulihatu village of Kunti district in Jharkhand. This tribal leader died in Ranchi Jail on June 9, 1900, at the age of 24. 

Q. 3- (d) 

 “On the whole, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that so-called First National War of Independence is neither First, nor National, nor a war of independence.” This statement was made by R.C. Majumadar In his book The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857.

Q. 4- (a) 

A Rajput zamindar, Kunwar Singh was a leader during the Indian Rebellion of 1857.  Born at Jagdishpur village in Bihar in 1777, he died on 26 April, 1858 of the wounds he sustained during the fight with the British forces. 

Q. 5- (b) 

The Indian states and rulers who entered into Lord Wellesley’s Subsidiary Alliance System were Mysore, Hyderabad, Tanjore, Berar, Awadh, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bharatpur, Macheri, Bundi, and the Peshwa. Of them, the Nizam of Hyderabad was the first Indian ruler to sign the Subsidiary Alliance Treaty with the British in 1798.

Q. 6- (c)

The British Governor- General Lord Wellesley had applied the policy of Subsidiary Alliance to expand the power and influence of the East India Company. 

Q. 7- (a)

Syed Mir Nisar Ali or Titu Mir had led the Narkelberia Uprising in 1831.  

Q. 8- (a)

Zamindari System was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in 1793 through the Permanent Settlement Act. 

Q. 9- (b)

Dinabandhu Mitra is known for his novel Nil Darpan (The Mirror of Indigo) which describes the oppression of the indigo cultivators at the hands of indigo planters, leading to the Indigo Revolt in Bengal in 1859. 

Q. 10- (d)

Harish Chandra Mukherjee was the founding editor of the Hindu Patriot through which he exposed the atrocities on the indigo planters.

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