Sunday, June 10, 2012

Seleucus Nicator's Invasion of India, c.306 BC

Alexander’s general Seleucus Nicator waged a war against Chadragupta Maurya , the founder of the Mauryan empire, in C 305 BC. He was at the receiving end in the battle and suffered the worst of engagements. Not only he was unable to recover Alexander’s Indian provinces, but also was to compelled to yield parts of what is now Afghanistan to the Mauryan emperor, receiving in exchange only 500 elephants. The peace between   Seleucus Nicator ad Chandragupta was concluded by a matrimonial  alliance. The exact nature the alliance is still in the realm of debate among the historians. But it can be said with a great deal of certainty that successors of Chandragupta had Greek blood in their veins.
The importance of Seleucus Nicator in Indian history is great. He sent Megathenes to the court of Chandragupta.  Megathenes’s description of ancient India is of great value to us.

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