1575 - On 3 March 1575, the Battle of Tukaroi was fought between the Mughals army and the Sultanate of Bengal .
The Battle of Tukaroi, also known as the Battle of Bajhaura or the Battle of Mughulmari, took place near the village of Tukaroi in present-day Balasore district of Odisha. It resulted in a Mughal victory and led to the weakening of the Bengal Sultanate which was annexed to the Mughal empire after their victory in the Battle of Rajmahal in 1576.
1707 - Death of Aurangzeb, the sixth Mughal emperor, on 3rd March. He ascended the throne after imprisoning his father Shah Jehan, the fifth Mughal emperor in 1658. Shah Jahan passed the remaining years of his life in captivity until he died at the age of seventy-four in 1966.
A ruthless and intolerant ruler known for his military prowess, Aurangzeb ruled from 1658 to 1707. Mughal Empire was at its most expansive during the reign of Aurangzeb.
Aurangzeb who came out victorious in the terrible war of succession that took place among the sons of Shah Jahan. The war for succession continued till 1661 and in between 1658 and 1661 all the remaining sons of Shah Jahan were killed or executed.